Are you a Seattle resident curious about the different brands and products in the hot water boiler market? If so, allow us to walk you through your options.
AO Smith
The copper coil hot water boiler works by directly heating domestic water, although it is also great for space heating. This boiler has no required heat exchanger for domestic water use and works well for large volumes. It is available in commercial and residential sizes.
Buderus Boilers
These products are manufactured in Germany. The brand has a reputation for reliability and appealing design. They boast excellent recovery times. These things all explain why they are some of the most popular hot water boilers out there. They are supported well in the Seattle area, and we are proud to say that we can repair most parts. These items have indirect storage below the boiler. We recommend this brand if you desire something with a smaller footprint.
The Burnham cast iron hot water boilers are proudly made in the United States. These are highly reliable products with a typical atmospheric draft. There are 14 available models to choose from. Some models offer options between 31000 and 244000 BTU. If you require high efficiency, there is a specific model that will meet your needs.
Triangle Tube
Comfort does not have to be expensive, and Triangle Tube is here to prove it with the Prestige Condensing Wall-Mounted Boiler. This boiler has a unique stainless steel heat exchanger with an efficiency rate of 95 percent. It can modulate the firing rate to a quarter of the rated input. There are a total of five sizes available: 60, 110, 175, 250, and 399.
The modulation translates to fewer cycles, which then results in low operating costs. The user interface module is convenient and useful as it shows system status in real-time. The parameter values are fully adjustable, while there are diagnostic codes that allow for quick troubleshooting and maximum system performance.
There is a reason the Weil-McIain cast iron boiler has been on the market for as long as we can remember. After all, this is a relatively economical product. Its repair is fairly easy as well. There are various models available, including a small residential design with 38000 BTUs and much bigger commercial units. Aside from that, you can have your pick when it comes to flue configuration.